Guiding rates

Tegnerforbundet's indicative rates

May 1, 2024

This is the Drawing Association's list of indicative rates for illustration and cartooning in 2024. The list is indicative and an organic document that is adjusted annually according to the consumer price index, and thus changed over time, as needed.

The list is based on traditional surfaces and will be a tool for illustrators and cartoonists who create visual work for a client, which will be further published. These guiding rates are also a tool for customers who need to budget for ordering an original illustration / cartoon for a project.

The list will give an impression of what you can expect an illustration / cartoon to cost, but we recommend clients to collect quotes from the individual creators, as rates will vary from actor to actor.

The purpose of this guidance list is to prevent clients from under-budgeting and that illustrators and cartoonists thus set too low rates. Based on Tegnerforbundet illustrators and cartoonists will be able to use their guiding rates as an aid to a sustainable economy.

Parameters for estimating remuneration

All illustration and comic book assignments must be assessed according to parameters that govern the fee rate. Exposure area, competence, complexity and artistic distinctiveness / originality are all important parameters that can be used to estimate the fee for the work.

We recommend dividing the assignment into processes, and setting a fee rate for each part of the process, whether it is a preliminary project, sketch project, inspection, meetings, completion or finishing work as proofreading. Work outside the artistic work such as proofreading work should in the agreement with the customer be set after remuneration per. hour, and we refer to NBK's price calculator .

Social taxes and operations

Illustrators and cartoonists are their own employers and must assume that 36.8% of the sum is set aside for social expenses. We would also recommend that operating costs be included in the calculation.

Written agreements

The fee for the illustration gives the client the right to use the illustration on a given surface and a given circulation or time frame. It is therefore important that written agreements are entered into regarding frameworks that define the areas, circulation / time frame for the relevant fee. We recommend never agreeing on free use. New editions, new time frames require a new fee, and reuse of illustration on new surfaces should be 50% of the original fee.


NB: Some newspaper publishers own several newspapers, be aware that articles can be reused in more newspapers than the one you were originally commissioned for. Then it is important that the illustrator agrees on a fee for reuse.

NB: In 1999, the Norwegian Publishers' Association, NBK and Grafill entered into the Framework Agreement . "This agreement regulates the relationship between publishers affiliated with DnF and members affiliated with GRAFILL / NBK with regard to the reproduction of illustrations in books and other publishing products." From Chapter 1, The Framework Agreement (1999).

In books, it is common for illustrators to enter into a contract with the publisher where, among other things, determines royalties, minimum fees and free copies of books. Illustrators are pr. currently not free to agree on the framework conditions in the Normal Contract with publishers such as authors and translators, but NBK and Grafill are working to change the regulations to the Competition Act so that it also includes illustrators.

NB: The list is based on the fact that the cartoonist is the creator of both text and image.


Read the press release May 01, 2024.

Read the press release of May 01, 2023.

Read the press release May 1, 2022 .

For more background on why we published indicative rates on May 1, 2021 and the background to the work. Read the press release of May 01, 2021.

Link to consumer price index.


Illustration: Åge Peterson.

Tegnerforbundet's indicative rates
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